2019 Election Notice

Saturday, March 2, 2019 - 10:03am


Dear Comanche Nation Voter: 

All enrolled members of the Comanche Nation who are eighteen (18) years of age and over, are QUALIFIED VOTERS of tribal election(s) as defined in Article V, Section 1 of the Comanche Constitution. Any qualified voter shall be permitted to vote in ALL Comanche Nation Elections. 

The Election Office sends this Election Notice to ensure ALL eligible voters receive an opportunity to vote in the upcoming General Election slated for Saturday June 1st 2019 and if needed a Runoff Election is scheduled for July 13th 2019. This year’s elections will be for the following Administrative and Business Committee positions of: 

Committee Member #1 

Committee Member #2 

Tribal Administrator 

Tribal Attorney 


The Comanche Nation Election Policy states that “any qualified Comanche Voter shall be entitled to vote by Absentee Ballot” and an Absentee Request Form has been included with this notice for those eligible voters that have not registered as a “Temporary” or “Permanent” Absentee Voter. 

Within the past year the Election office has had 1,170 eligible tribal voters register as “Permanent/Temporary” Absentee Voters. If you are currently registered as an Absentee voter your registration is good for (3) three years and it is the responsibility of the Absentee voter to maintain/update their address with the Enrollment Office as necessary. 

The Election Office would like to encourage Absentee Voters to take advantage of this chance to register as either a “Temporary” or “Permanent” Absentee Voter. This will allow for an immediate release of an Absentee Ballot to each registered Voter as soon as they are printed. In turn this provides ample time for every Absentee Voter to mark his or her ballot and return it to the Elections Office. 

Your request to be given an Absentee Ballot must be received by April 27th, 2019. [Please follow the instructions for completing the Absentee Ballot Request Form included with this Notice and you must sign your name in the presence of a Notary.] Upon completion return the enclosed Absentee Ballot Request Form in the preaddressed envelope provided. 

Any eligible voter who requests an absentee ballot and does not complete and mail the ballot, but instead wishes to cast his or her vote in person, must first surrender his or her absentee ballot – if in their possession, on Election Day; or sign an affidavit stating they requested an absentee ballot but did not vote it. Previously issued absentee ballots belonging to an affiant shall be considered void. 

In closing the intent & implementation of a Voter Registration System is an “effort” to reduce instances of eligible Absentee Voters not receiving Absentee Ballots in a timely manner to cast votes and is a commitment to strengthen the Nation’s Election Process. 


Eligible Voters may cast a Ballot by Early/In-house Voting on Friday May 31, 2019 at the Comanche Nation Elder’s Center located at 1107 SW “H” Ave., Lawton, OK or at the Comanche Nation Complex New Conference Room, 584 NW Bingo Road, Lawton, OK. Polling hours for Early/In-house Voting are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 


Voters may cast their ballots on Election Day, Saturday June 1, 2019, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the polling site of their choice listed below: 

Lawton Polling Site 

Comanche Nation Complex New Conference Rm, 584 NW Bingo Road, Lawton 

Oklahoma City Polling Site 

Comanche Nation Outreach Office – Oklahoma City Office, 7390 S. Walker, OKC 

Apache Polling Site 

Comanche Nation – Apache Community Center, 309 Julia Mahseet Road, Apache 

Anadarko Polling Site 

Comanche Nation Outreach Office – Anadarko Office, 117 SW 2nd Street, Anadarko 

Cache Polling Site 

Comanche Nation – Cahoma Community Center, 752 NW Quanah Rd., Cache 

Walters Polling Site 

Comanche Nation Community Center – Walters, 905 E. Missouri St., Walters 

Please visit the Election Office Webpage at www.comanchenation.com and click on “Elections Office”. Posted is the Election Calendar, Notices, Forms, Election Policy, Candidate videos, etc. The Election Coordinator Bobbie Saupitty can be reached at (580) 492-3384 or elections@comanchenation.com The Comanche Nation Election Office encourages you to exercise your right to vote. Ura koi!!

Official PDF Announcement
