Workforce (WIOA)

Physical Address:
1608 SW 9th St
Lawton, OK 73502
Mailing Address:
PO Box 908
Lawton, OK 73502
(580) 492-3257
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The mission of the Comanche Nation Workforce is to support employment and training services for the unemployed, newly employed, and/or currently employed Comanche Nation tribal members and to support employment and training services for the unemployed, underemployed, or low-income of different federally recognized tribal members, in order to:
- Develop more fully the academic, occupational, and literacy skills of such individuals.
- Make such individuals more competitive in the workforce and to equip them with the entrepreneurial skills necessary for successful self-employment.
- Promote the economic and social development of Native American communities in accordance with the goals and values of such communities.
Workforce Departmental Services
Work Experience – Adults (WE)
The Work Experience program provides unemployed adult clients, 18 years of age or older, an opportunity to receive employability training in the private or public job sector. Program participants are placed at worksites for an 8-week period (up to 40 hours per week) and receive a starting pay rate of $10.00 per hour. Higher pay rates are negotiable between the client, the Job Developer(s), and/or the Worksite Supervisor(s). Clients will be placed according to educational attainment, job experience, and career interest. Each client will be required to attend a 1-day Career Development training course as a stipulation of program participation. Upon completion of the Work Experience program, if a worksite plans to hire a client as a full-time, permanent employee, an emergency extension of four (4) weeks may be granted, if funding is available. The goal of the Work Experience program is to assist clients in attaining unsubsidized employment after completion of the program. Service provided one (1) time a year, IF client successfully completes the Work Experience program. If client has not been able to find any employment opportunities after program participation, and depending on program status of good or bad standing, Workforce may be able to assist with more employability training, however, the length of training may be shorter. Second worksite placement would vary to allow additional employability training. Clients who are part-time or full-time, permanent employees of a company or business will not qualify for this service. Clients who do not complete the Work Experience program for whatever reason, must wait and reapply after one (1) year waiting period from their actual starting date.
On-The-Job Training Contract (OJT)
Should an employer be interested in hiring a participant as a full-time, permanent employee after completing the Work Experience program, they can enter into an On-The-Job Training Contract with the Comanche Nation Workforce and worksite. If the worksite plans to offer the client unsubsidized employment and the OJT contract is approved, an extension of 60 days may be granted through the contract. The extension gives the employer time to further evaluate the participant’s work ethic and skills while on the job and make appropriate employability accommodations to have the participant become a full-time, permanent, unsubsidized employee. This extension does not coincide with the four (4) week Work Experience emergency extension that can be previously granted. The On-The-Job training program reimburses an employer up to 50% of the wages earned by a client during the length of the OJT contract.
Classroom Training (CRT)
Classroom Training program provides financial assistance to clients who are wanting to enroll or have enrolled in a short-term training course (6 months or less) at a technology center or trade school and assists with the costs of books and tuition, if needed. Program participants may receive a stipend of $10.00 per hour ($7.25, federally funded) for seat time spent in a supervised classroom setting, at the discretion of the Client Development Coordinator. Supplementary funding is available for those clients requesting assistance with obtaining a GED (8 months or less). Supplementary funding is also available for high school students who are required to attend summer school (3 months or less) to maintain a scheduled course of graduation, if a school and teacher are available to provide services. Program participants who are Comanche tribal members and wish to pursue their GED through Higher Education may receive a stipend of $12.00 per hour for seat time spent in a supervised classroom setting, at the discretion of the Client Development Coordinator. Service provided once per year unless funding is available for clients who successfully completed CRT courses, so that further CRT courses can be provided.
Youth Employment Program (YEP)
The Youth Employment Program provides eligible clients, ages 14 to 21 years old (CNG funded) and ages 14 to 24 years old (federally funded), with an opportunity to receive employability training services in the private or public job sector. Program participants are placed at worksites during the program for a sixteen (16) week period (six (6) week period, if federally funded) and working up to 40 hours per week, plus receive a pay rate of $10.00 per hour or higher, depending on previous work experience and skill set ($7.25 per hour or higher if federally funded). An emergency extension up to 4 weeks may be granted should the worksite request additional employment services and additional assistance and help, if funding is still available. This service will be year-round and based off seasonal participation. Only one service can be provided per year, depending on program status after exiting.
Supportive Service (SS)
Supportive Services are available to newly employed, or within their first 30 days of employment adult (18 years or older) clients. Financial assistance is provided to eligible clients to assist with work related clothing (up to $200.00 for part-t ime, and $300.00 for full-time) and/or tools/equipment (up to $300.00 full-time only). Service provided once per year for newly employed clients (regardless if new employment is acquired several times throughout the year). Self-employed clients must provide additional documentation of company or business. Temporary Agency Workers, Short-Term Contractors, Subcontractors, Caretakers/Caregivers, Seasonal, and Temporary employees are not eligible.
Employability Enhancement (EE)
Employability Enhancement services are available to current permanently employed adults (18 years of age or
older) who require financial assistance with car repairs (up to $500 for part-time, and up to $1,000.00 for full-time), public transportation, license reinstatement/renewal or occupational license fees (up to $500.00) needed
to maintain employment. Amount awarded per participant will depend on assistance being requested. Service provided once per year (Even if new employment is acquired several times throughout the year). Self-employed
clients can be assisted but must submit additional documentation of company or business. Temporary Agency Workers, Short-Term Contractors, Subcontractors, Caretakers/Caregivers, Seasonal, and Temporary, are not eligible.
Job Verification Form must be completed by the employer, and emailed back to the Comanche Nation Workforce to complete the application process.