Missing and Murdered Indigenous People


Physical Address:
584 NW Bingo Rd
Lawton, OK 73507

Mailing Address:
PO Box 908
Lawton, OK 73502

(580) 919-1506

Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Comanche Nation MMIP program aims to address the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous people by seeking restorative justice and fulfilling the gaps of services with the criminal justice system between federal, tribal & state entities, and generates MMIP awareness by administrating education & services from a holistic approach that promotes Comanche culture, traditions, compassion & prevention while maintain the sovereignty of Comanche Nation.


  • Memorial  & Vigil Services
  • Victim Services
  • MMIP Awareness
  • Cultural healing workshops
  • Search & rescue assistance

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MMU for Missing Persons Case