Comanche Artists Gather at Red River Casino Hotel Music and Art Fest

On Saturday, Sept. 7, an art and music festival was held at Comanche Red River Hotel Casino.


Shelby Mata, Comanche Red River Hotel manager, said the event highlighted area Comanche artists and bands.


“We really wanted to do this to highlight our artists,” she said. “We get a lot of questions asked about their paintings and different murals throughout the hotel, so this is a chance for our guests to actually interact and meet the artists themselves.”


Mata said the event was for the Comanche people.


“So, the only people set up currently right now for the vendor booths are nothing but Comanche, so that is really great in that we get to, you know, give back a little to our people and let them showcase their talents,” she said.


Mata said she was excited for the music and art festival.


“I hope we get to do this a lot more, and, you know, I'm always excited to highlight our Comanche artists any time that we can, so yeah, I'm very excited,” she said.


Comanche Nation Princess Bluesky Tosee and Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Arlene Schonchin performed the Lord’s Prayer.


Artists included Tim Saupitty, Quanah Burgess, Joyce Nevaquaya, Weryackwe Ties, Calvert Nevaquaya, among others.


There was also plenty of powwow dancing and drum singing.


Mata said the event wouldn’t have gone on without the help of CEO Steven Doyle and Property General Manager Jay Martinez.