About Tribal Court

Court Costs

Court costs are  payable to Comanche Nation Tribal Court by money order or cashier's check. No personal checks or cash will be accepted. Contact the Court Clerk to determine Costs.

Weapons, Tobacco, Illegal Drugs, and Alcohol Strictly Prohibited

Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited, regardless of whether or not the individual has any type of firearm permit. Any questionable items will be removed by law enforcement.

Tobacco products in any form whether synthetic, true or e-cigarettes and vapor devices are not allowed in the Courtroom.

No drugs and/or alcohol are allowed. If a person appears for Court and is intoxicated by way of alcohol or drugs, no entry into the Courtroom will be allowed and that person will be deemed to to have not appeared and subject to arrest.


Persons (all genders) making an appearance before the Court shall be dressed appropriately. Inappropriate attire includes:

Shorts, spaghetti strap tops, T-shirts (no obscene, profane gestures or profanity), baggie or sagging pants, bare or mid shirts, tank tops, crop tops, visible under garments, see-through shirts, and distracting clothing.

Appropriate attire includes:

All persons must remove hats and non-prescription sunglasses before entering the Courtroom.


Long pants and collared shirts with sleeves moderate.


Long pants, capris, skirts (of length), shirts, or blouses.


Personal mobile devices shall be turned off and no recording of proceedings shall be allowed except for purpose of displaying or providing evidence. Violation of the above recording rule shall subject the violator to confiscation of the device.


Persons in attendance shall be quiet except when called upon by the Court to speak, and shall refrain from entering and exiting the Courtroom while a hearing is being conducted on a specific case. Only parties to the action will be allowed access to the Courtroom unless otherwise stated by the Judge.


The intent of this webpage is to provide pertinent information regarding the processes and structure of the Comanche Tribal Court. The Court is not responsible for any misinterpretations of the information provided on this page.

All information on this webpage is subject to change without prior notice.

Tribal Codes are subject to amendments and may not reflect the most current version of the codes. The Court Clerk's office retains a copy of the official Tribal Codes.

All forms and documents inked to this webpage are intended as samples and should not be considered as legal advice. The Court accepts documents other than those forms provided, so long as they comply with the Tribal Codes and Court Rules. The forms and documents provided do not address all potential legal issues. If you require a document that is not provided on the webpage, you must either generate the document on your own or consult an attorney at your own expense.