About Social Services

Emergency Assistance

This program is designed to assist eligible tribal members in need of financial assistance through direct assistance or referrals to other available resources within the tribe or outside agencies. Currently this program only assists with utilities and rent. The applicant must be an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation and head of household.

Burial Assistance

This program is designed to assist the survivors of the deceased enrolled tribal members in meeting the high cost of burial expenses by making a payment to the funeral home.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

This program is designed for eligible tribal members to assist with emergency heating and cooling cost. Tribal members must reside in the five (5) county service areas, which are: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Kiowa and Tillman counties; meet income guidelines and have not received assistance from the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services.

General Assistance

Purpose of the program is to assist eligible Comanche Tribal members with a direct payment in order to assist in meeting their basic needs. This program is designed for enrolled Comanche Tribal members residing in Comanche, Cotton, Caddo, Tillman, and Kiowa Counties. There must be zero income in the home.