Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Hosts Honor Powwow

Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Bluesky Tosee held her honor powwow on Saturday, March 11. She said she was excited to have a large crowd at the powwow, especially those closest to her.


“I'm very grateful for how many people showed up and I'm glad that we have…a big crowd and I'm glad I have people around me and behind me and beside me for my support system,” she said. “…There's times when it gets hard but to know that…I have people there behind me to help me and support me it just makes everything better.”


Tosee had a collage telling her story from growing up to her hobbies to being active within the Comanche Nation tribe.


“…I am a freshman at Elgin High School,” she said. “I play at the moment I play slow-fit softball for our high school team and during…school during our…fall, winter sport season I'm an athletic trainer for football and kind of the sports that revolve around that. But all the way around for all the sports, I'm an athletic trainer for that, too.”


Tosee and her dad will try to travel several hours for games and will discuss anything going on that Tosee might need help with.


“…If there's ever anything that's on my mind he can he can tell,” she said. “I know sometimes I'll be just in the car quiet or even…I just come home from school and I won't be…myself and…I don't notice it but he'll notice it and he'll always ask me ‘Hey what's wrong?’ ‘You okay?’…or he'll always check up on me ‘How was your day at school?’ ‘Anything happened today?’ ‘Anything fun?’ and ‘Anything sad?’ He'll always try to make sure that he can help me as best he can.”


Tosee said being the Comanche Nation Princess was enjoyable.


“…It’s a big responsibility,” she said. “You have to watch everything you do. Everybody's watching everything you say…every way you act you got to watch what you post and so always just it's…a big responsibility but my reign was amazing.”


She said working with Michelle Nevaquaya was much fun as well.


“I love, love, love and hanging out and enjoying my time serving my reign with Michelle Nevaquaya,” Tosee said. “She is [an] amazing person I know…she is always busy she's going to school she's…our senior princess and that's hard. That's hard being the junior princess but I know she's a great person I'm always able to talk…to her about anything and she's like…my sister.”


Tosee said time management was the biggest lesson to learn during her reign.


“There's a couple things where it's trying to always to make it to events I know…you invite someone to go somewhere and then they have three other places that you don't know they have to go and so it's always just time management,” she said. “Trying to get everywhere and then also…when we have big powwows that we got it kind of like this but whenever we're trying to get everything just trying to have backup like family and that's probably one of the hardest things…if you…don't have anybody behind you it's gonna be really hard because even with my family they were always there to support me and I know we had…times that we struggled trying to get me places or trying to get everything together, hairspray, gel, hair ties, it's just everything. You have to think of everything and you have…to manage your time well.”


Tosee said that within the tribe, she liked seeing everyone having a good time and enjoying everything the Comanche culture has to offer.